Preparation for a wedding can be a very stressful time in a woman’s life. From wedding dresses to wedding engagement parties, there is an incredible amount of planning and scheduling involved that can make even the most level headed bride go completely nuts. While planning for our big day, here are some tips to avoid any kind of accident during the scheduling phase and calm you’re sleepless nights of any wedding disaster nightmare.
After the engagement announcement, it is time to plan the wedding engagement party. This is really the responsibility of the bride’s parents. The bride’s parents will schedule a date for the party, find a place and send out the invitations. To abstain from any major headaches with the planning and preparation, have your soon-to-be-groom provide a list of family members that he may want to join this fabulous event.
Here is a little fun fact: weddings are not cheap. The engagement party should be only a portion of the wedding cost; so don’t go nuts trying to bring everyone under the sun to the party. To keep the price level down, try to invite only immediate family members and close friends to your event. The affair can be held at a family style restaurant or a cool establishment if you so desire.
After the wedding engagement party, you can start researching for wedding dresses. The thing about the wedding dress that is the most significant, besides picking one out, would be the fitting. Over the course of your engagement, you may very well lose or gain weight, dependent upon how the stress affects you. Sleepless nights might very well impact your scheduling and planning.
To abstain from the nightmares of a wedding dress debacle, plan out all of your scheduled fittings ahead of time. Make sure you do all your analysis ahead of time on the dress place you decide to go with because if the fittings get too close to the due date, there is a chance you will be pulling your hair out. Remember to not strain as much as possible and really enjoy your special day.